Consultation and engagement
What levels of consultation has the project gone through so far?
The proposals for Pydar have been shaped by extensive engagement with members of the local community, as well as by stakeholder workshops in numerous formats and events over the past two years. The first consultation events at the Pydar Pop-Up Venue in 2019 attracted over 700 members of the public who visited the exhibition and included many nearby residents and local business owners, completing questionnaires and discussing the designs, resulting in approximately 80% of the feedback being in support of the Outline proposals.
Consultation has been undertaken with all our stakeholders including key businesses, land owners, public sector organisations, voluntary and community sector partnerships, education sector, potential tenants, potential investors and wider interested organisations. To date, over 200 organisations have been involved. In addition, we have received interest in the office space, hotel, leisure and food and beverage facilities.
The Outline Planning application was re-submitted on 6th May 2021 and the project has progressed through the planning process following extensive engagement and consultation. The Project Team have had 300+ face to face conversations with the public. Approximately 80% of public and businesses engaged indicated that they are in support of the current proposals.
We are proud to share that the Outline application was approved in 2021 and the Reserved Matters Application was approved in 2023, and we will continue extensive engagement through each of the subsequent development stages.
For the most up-to-date news on consultation dates and how you can express interest, click here.
We also have this dedicated website, which will be updated regularly.
You can read our statement of Community Impact here.