Planting & habitats
What’s the tree and planting strategy?
Over 100 trees will be planted and the net biodiversity for the area will increase by over 50%.  The planting strategy will create beautiful green spaces and improve the river corridor with natural greenery and more biodiversity.
Are any trees being removed?
An indicative tree strategy has been proposed at this stage in consultation with the LPA, a further detailed strategy will be provided at the Reserved Matters Stage. Within the indicative strategy, 28 trees and 6 tree groups, (majority category B & C which are of low quality) are to be removed. The trees retained (21 trees and 9 tree groups) are of high quality and located mainly along the riverside, to the edges of Moresk Court and in existing embankment areas.  We have worked hard to ensure as many healthy trees are retained as possible and will continue to do so during future stages.
How will the natural habitats be supported?
A range of habitats at ground, podium and roof level will be created, including woodpiles to support reptiles, amphibians, hedgehogs and a range of invertebrates; a range of bird and bat boxes; bee posts located in wild flower rich planted areas for solitary bees; and Cornish hedges of stone and turf to create additional habitats.
Are there plans to protect Daubuz Moors?
Daubuz Moors is not included within the site or part of the project. However, the Pydar development is committed to working closely with the Friends of Daubuz Moors to help support and respect the nature reserve. We would be looking at some form of sensitively designed physical boundary to restrict direct access from the housing development to the nature reserve. Further mitigations will be developed at the Reserved Matters stage to minimise any impact on Daubuz Moor.
3.5 acres of new public space including green and open space, play space for children and families and nature trails will be delivered on the Pydar. This will create safe and attractive access for the local community to Daubuz Moors from Pydar city centre.
What are the plans for the River Allen and protecting the ecosystem and species such as the European eels?
The River Allen will be a key destination for Truro. Improved safe and attractive routes and views from Pydar Street to the river will be introduced. Locals and visitors will be able to enjoy a riverside experience with new leisure offers (cafes and restaurants), as well as family picnic areas, platforms/pontoons and attractive landscaping which retains the existing mature trees along the river to sit and spend time. The Project Team will work with the Environment Agency and specialist ecologists and hydrologists to manage and maintain the river and its habitats to high standards and ensure good water quality to support the river ecosystem, which is home to fish and species such as the protected European eels.
Links to key documents, including Ecological and Habitat reports can be accessed by clicking here.
Daylight / Sun / Wind
Will there be an issue of lack of daylight/sunlight in public spaces and overshadowing?
No. All new private, communal, and public outdoor spaces satisfy the national best practice Building Research Establishment (BRE) requirements for daylight/sunlight and will be nice, attractive outdoor places for the community to spend time.
The Design Code includes strict mandatory rules in order to ensure the BRE requirements are met in all future detailed design proposals and Reserved Matters Applications. One such rule M/262 of the Design Code states that ‘All private, communal and public outdoor spaces should comply with required levels of daylight and sunlight in accordance with BRE guidelines.’ Further information will be provided at the detailed design stage.
Will wind tunnels be an issue on site?
No. Wind desktop studies carried out at the outline stage have shown no issues with wind tunnels /excessive wind. Further assessment will be carried out at the detailed design stage.
Links to key documents (including Environmental Impact Assessment daylight/sunlight) can be downloaded here.