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Project Overview

The proposed scheme will regenerate a run-down area of the city and help create a vibrant new neighbourhood and destination for Truro. 70% of the proposed land use of the scheme is residential, delivering 320 new homes, 35% of which will be affordable units and significantly contribute to Truro’s local affordable housing need. The project will deliver innovative work, employment and learning spaces, improve walking and cycling links together with an exciting riverside park and range of engaging leisure, hospitality and cultural facilities and events.

Key stats

  • Site size – 4.5 hectares (ha);

  • Total area red line boundary: approx. 45,175sqm;

  • 70% of the proposed uses are residential use;

  • Only 2% retail proposed (approx. 2-3 small convenience shops);

  • 3.5 acres of new green open spaces; 

  • 36% of the total area of the site is built form and 10% existing roads;

  • Potential funders shortlisted to secure the £170m development costs; and

  • 80% of the public support the proposals.

Scheme benefits

  • Up to 320 residential homes, 112 affordable (contributing significantly to the high local affordable housing need in the city;

  • Proposed new homes to include up to 100 private rental units;

  • 16,500sqm non-residential uses, including leisure, food/beverage, workspace and education);

  • Creation of ‘The Hive’ education, innovation and enterprise – over 4,000sq m; 

  • Up to 400 student beds (traditional cluster and rental);

  • Energy efficient buildings;

  • 60% of all energy demand will be powered on site by on-site renewable sources;

  • Over 50% biodiversity net gain;

  • Over 64% of the site will be open space for all to explore;

  • 100+ new trees, new planting and 3.5 acres of new green public spaces;

  • Connections to National Cycle Network and train stations;

  • Improved 5G data speed; and

  • New resident spending £13.3m in the first 10 years;

Programme aims and Cornwall priorities

  • Healthy Cornwall: The proposed development site, which currently contains vacant, asbestos-ridden buildings and warehouse sheds, will be developed into a vibrant community hub with green spaces, leisure uses, and increased connectivity from Truro’s City Centre to its surrounding green areas;

  • Homes for Cornwall: The Pydar development removes disused properties and delivers a large number of homes in the centre of Truro;

  • Green and Prosperous Cornwall: The programme will be a sustainable development using Council owned land to deliver jobs for the local community;

  • Connecting Cornwall: The programme will improve connection from the Pydar site to the city centre as well as provide a clear link from the city centre to the green areas to the north of the city.  This includes improved 5G data speed; and

  • Democratic Cornwall: The programme has an in-depth stakeholder engagement strategy, ensuring meaningful communication with the community and all stakeholders. 

Core benefits

  • Good strategic location of the site that will become a destination with a clear identity, including good public transport connectivity, connections to the National Cycle Network and easy walking distance to the City Centre;

  • Promote and enhance views and vistas towards landmark heritage assets, connecting the development to the historic townscape, which is particular to Truro;

  • Potential to create an active nature trail along/under the Truro Viaduct, connecting to the train station in the west and the River Allen and National Cycle Network routes to the east;

  • Utilise the existing natural landscape and promote green and blue infrastructure from the edges of the site into the new development to draw in both health and ecological/biodiversity benefits 

  • Possible regeneration opportunity sites close to the development - catalyst for further redevelopment opportunities.  This includes a potential halt and small train platform to the west or north of the site area;

  • Maximise views and public realm onto the River Allen to promote visual and physical links, thereby maximising the value of the development and promoting health and wellbeing 

  • Promote a mixed-uses led quarter around a new public square and maximise views across Truro that generate value by using existing site levels and responsive building typologies;

  • Create a new neighbourhood to include residential accommodation promoting multi-generational living;

  • Opportunity for enhanced pedestrian and cycle routes to the City Centre, surrounding neighbourhood and the countryside along safe and secure traditional streets; 

  • 60% of all energy demand will be powered by on-site renewable sources;

  • Promote walking, cycling and sustainable travel to reflect the climate emergency and utilise the central location of the site.

Forecast economic benefits

  • 623 long term jobs created and 1554 short term jobs in construction;

  • New local spending from jobs - £23,224,304;

  • Projected to generate between £152-197 million over the first 10 years of occupation. The projected impact across the Truro area is likely to result in an increase of £10.7m to the Gross Value Added Balanced and Deflated (GVA); and

  • The indirect value of the occupancy of the Hive and its associated accommodation has the highest economic impact with £57 million projected local spending over 10 years.

Planning Awards (2020)

  • The Pydar scheme received ‘Highly Commended’ for regeneration at the Planning Awards 2020 for the following reasons

    • Depth of collaboration’ - the panel felt that the project goes well beyond good levels of engagement, is community-led, and joins previously disjointed key stakeholders to develop a regeneration scheme they are proud of.

    • Socio-economic impact – will stimulate retail, leisure and tourism, enables sustainable transportation modes and takes an innovative approach to funding for long-term socio-economic gain; and

    • Future-oriented & resilient – supports inclusive growth and living, prioritises sustainable design/construction and designed for generations to come.

  • This is a significant endorsement of the ambitions of the scheme, which reflect Cornwall Council policies and supports the vision for creating a ‘community of the future’.

Building with Nature "Design Award" (2021)

  • Further scheme recognition was received in July 2021 when the Pydar development was awarded with a Building with Nature Design award.  Pydar is the first project in Cornwall to be accredited with the Building with Nature Award. The assessor comments included:

    • ‘As an urban scheme, it was great to see an innovative and committed approach to multifunctional green infrastructure at the street scale, as well as sustainable drainage, to truly ensure this site will remain resilient to the impacts of climate change, including flooding.  There is a meaningful and strategic approach to making provision for access to nature, and Pydar has been designed to encourage active and healthy lifestyles, as well as ensuring people and wildlife can benefit from movement through the site, and out into the wider landscape. 

    • Finally, we noted the efforts made by the design team to retain as many of the existing green infrastructure features as possible, to optimise the site’s potential to add positively to the nature recovery network, creating links through the site, and out to green infrastructure assets in close proximity, including Victoria Park and the River Allen.  

    • We look forward to some of the strategic vision for high-quality landscaping and planting coming forward at the next more detailed design phase, and we very much anticipate Pydar will be a strong contender for a Building with Nature Full Award, ensuring the benefits are experienced by people and wildlife now and long into the future’

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